Monday, October 7, 2013

The causes and symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is the third leading cause of death among women in our country, after cardiovascular diseases and injuries. Experts say that these figures were not so tragic, if women are not neglected preventive inspections .

Breast Cancer : 3 ways to self-check

Breast cancer every woman fears . Only here the trek to a breast specialist is not always possible. Many people know that to make an initial breast examination for the presence of a tumor can own. But how to do it right ?

Breast cancer attacks young women

Every year more and more young Americans facing a diagnosis of breast cancer.

- Unfortunately, we have to state the fact of a significant increase in the number of young women who get breast cancer. And for many of them the diagnosis sounds very severe , treatment is almost impossible and they still live only two or three years. 30 -40- year-old women who have not yet had time to raise their children are forced to assume the last few days that they needed to survive . It's very scary, but even scarier by the fact that the annual number of newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer increased by 5.7 %, says Dr. Eva Rollingeym , an oncologist (New York, USA).